Thursday, December 8, 2011

I FINALLY received my new lens the other day, and I've gotta say IT'S AMAZINGGGG! My love, Jake, was quite happy to be my subject.

I love sunshine and natural light....why must summer go away? :(


 Nose focus <3

 Then eye focus <3

 Favorite shot <3


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Albino Squirrel in St. Clairsville, Ohio

What started out as a pretty good day, soon became amazing! My dad and I went Christmas shopping and got a new TV for the living room and a few other items. We began to head home, and decided to take Rt. 40 instead of Interstate, since we were hauling a 60" TV in the back.
 While going through St. Clairsville, I happened to glance to my right and see an adorable little squirrel. A white one at that. I yelled for my dad to turn us around immediately, and he did so. This little guy was so friendly, he actually walked up to me, less than 8 feet from my hand!!